18 September 2023
The Pathway Education team are launching a brand-new series of blogs titled Classroom Hero’s. This series will cover instances where our staff have demonstrated the qualities of a classroom hero, as well as highlighting the invaluable work that SEN Teaching Assistants play in the academic and social development of young people.
The first of these blogs is dedicated to one of the most integral support roles in schools, the SEN Teaching Assistant, or as they’re officially known; Learning Support Assistants (LSA).
What are Learning Support Assistants (LSA).?
Learning Support Assistants (LSA) are often the unsung hero of the classroom, for whilst teachers bare the brunt of the difficulties that come with leading a class, the Learning Support Assistants (LSA) works with students who often have special educational needs (SEN) or do not have English as a first language (EAL). Learning Support Assistants (LSA) work directly with these students to ensure they can cope with the classroom environment, no matter the class or the subject. They also support the class teacher with their lesson plans and ensuring positive behaviour management of classes.
Our Classroom Hero
Heather has been working for Pathway Education since May 2023 as an Learning Support Assistants (LSA), having changed careers after working in the services industry. What follows below is a few words from the SEN Coordinator at Heather’s school:
“Despite having little experience in the role, Heather has shown her unmoving devotion and dedication to ensuring all students receive the education they deserve. Heather has excelled in making the classroom a safe and positive learning environment for the students she supervises, and never have I seen an LSA warm to students as quickly as Heather has. Simply put, I wish I had more Learning Support Assistants (LSA) like Heather!”
Heather represents everything that Pathway Education stands for. She has demonstrated that an empathetic and understanding approach to the needs of students ensures success, and the importance of SEN Teaching Assistants in the classroom.
Well done, Heather!
If like Heather, you are looking for a career in special education needs (SEN) teaching assistant/ SEN learning support officer register with Pathway Education today.