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SEN teaching job

10 May 2023

How working as a special education needs (SEN) teaching assistant and SEN learning support officer with Pathway Education improved my mental wellbeing.

Pathway has always been the company that cares, and that’s why we dedicate ourselves to safeguarding the mental wellbeing of our staff, especially those teaching and supporting children with special educational needs.

As part of our latest blog, we’ve invited one of our SEN learning support officers to be our guest writer, sharing three ways that working for Pathway helped improve his mental wellbeing, and how it could help improve yours too. 

Miss Taylor (SEN learning support officer, Kent)

I’ve been a SEN learning support officer with Pathway Education for just under a year now and the experience has been incredible. Being a learning support officer can be very challenging at times, but after working with the amazing Pathway education team, my wellbeing has massively improved. Here’s three ways that Pathway showed me that they’re the company that cares about teachers.

Trial Days

Teaching in SEN schools can be tough, especially when you’re new to the school. Walking into a new building and being expected to help teach from the get-go can really increase anxiety and pressure. That’s why the Pathway team offer ‘trial’ days before you hit the ground running, giving you the chance to meet staff and students and familiarise yourself with the school and ethos before your first teaching day, giving you the opportunity to decide if the school is right fit for you! This was a helpful for me as I was able to find out that this was the school and working environment I was looking for.

Staff Social Events

Before I worked for Pathway, I had worked at some schools as special education needs (SEN) teaching assistant, which often meant I was going into schools and none of the staff would know my name. A lonely existence, I can assure you. However, that all changed when I joined Pathway education. The Pathway team will often place me at schools with other Pathway staff, and at the end of the week, or mid-week if there’s enough numbers, Pathway’s social king, George, will take us out for a staff social event. It’s a great chance to meet colleagues, make friends and let off some steam. I’ve played Ten-pin bowling and been on several pub quiz evenings, also the first drink is always on Pathway education which is also nice!

If you are looking for a career in special education needs (SEN) teaching assistant or SEN learning support officer register with Pathway Education today.

Alternatively email candiate@pathwayeducation.uk

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What Makes us Unique?

Stephen Gillatt

Head of People at the Community Schools Trust
Their consultants understand recruitment, they offer very competitive charge rates and excellent levels of communication.


Science Teacher, Essex
Pathway education found me the perfect school that gave me the progression I was looking for. I was supported every step of the way, they even helped me improve my CV.


LSA, Kent
It’s nice speaking with recruiters that have been teachers and understand education. I was able to secure an improved salary by moving from my mainstream school to a SEND school


ECT Teacher, South London
Pathway staff feel like family! It’s great to have a laugh, network and have a few drinks with their team at social events


Office Manager, SEND school, North Kent
Pathway education provide us with high quality teaching assistants who really understand the ethos of our school and the needs of our young people

We Provide

  • Teachers for special schools, also known as alternative provision
  • Special educational needs (SEND) teaching assistants
  • SEND learning support assistants
  • Teaching assistants (mainstream)
  • Behaviour mentors (PRU’s)
  • Special school assistants

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